Interpreting the Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options for TMJ Disorders

Causes & Signs of TMJ Disorder | TMJ Treatment San Francisco

In case if you feel an agonizing pain while chewing the food you eat, do not ignore it. It could be the beginning of a medical condition known as TMJ disorder. If you are in San Francisco and doubt that you suffer from TMJ disorder, you must visit Dr. Nigel Suarez who practices at Soma Dental for cure. Dr. Nigel Suarez and his seasoned team provide the best TMJ treatment in San Francisco and provide permanent cure for TMJ through 7 effective ways. Read on to gather useful information which will help you comprehend TMJ disorder.

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ is the acronym for Temporomandibular Joint. Your jawbone is connected to the skull by TMJ. On both sides of the jaw a temporomandibular joint is present. TMJ disorder, as the name suggests, affects the jaw joint. The muscles which maneuver the jaw movement are also affected.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder cannot be pinpointed on a specific cause. One will experience pain in the TMJ region which will compromise the movement of surrounding muscles and the jaw joint. Number of factors working together like arthritis, genetics or jaw injury can be the reason behind the pain in the TMJ region. Those who suffer from bruxism, i.e. grinding or clenching the teeth, are susceptible to TMJ disorder.

Manifestation of TMJ disorder:

A grating sensation or a clicking sound accompanied by pain while opening the mouth or chewing can be due to TMJ disorder. Pain in some regions like the jaw, around the ear, facial region or temporomandibular joints can be caused due to TMJ disorder. If chewing is difficult or painful and the joint is locked making it strenuous to close or open the mouth, it could be because of TMJ disorder.

Visiting a Dentist in San Francisco for Treatment:

Get medical attention at the earliest if the symptoms mentioned above show up. Our dentist near you in San Francisco will diagnose the proximate reasons behind the pain and suggest treatment options for you.

Post General Diagnosis:

After the general diagnosis, if there are signs of trouble, one may need to get dental X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans to assess the jaw, teeth, bones, joint's disk and the soft tissues neighboring it. TMJ arthroscopy can be employed sometimes to diagnose TMJ disorders. Surgeries like open-joint surgery, maxillofacial surgery or arthroscopic surgery are performed only when necessary.


To avail the best TMJ treatment in San Francisco visit Dr. Nigel Suarez who practices at SOMA Dental a dental clinic in San Francisco. The care provided is comprehensive, and they are specialists when it comes to treating TMJ disorders. For more information call us at (415) 558-9800 and schedule an appointment today.

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