Permanent Cure for TMJ Through 7 Effective Ways

7 Ways to Cure TMJ Pain Permanently | San Francisco, CA

What is TMJ?

TMJ - Temporomandibular joint attaches the lower jaw and the skull, it is also called temporal bone and is found in the front of the ear. This joint is liable for facial muscle movements like smiling, chewing, etc.

Reasons for TMJ Pain:

  • Aging causes wear and tear at the jaw.
  • Teeth grinding and clenching while sleeping.
  • Medical and dental surgeries.
  • Other body pain as TMJ joints are prone to arthritis.

7 Effective Ways to Cure TMJ in San Francisco:

Our dentist offers TMJ Treatment that provides a permanent cure for TMJ through seven effective ways. You can also check our previous blogs How Can TMJ Syndrome Affect You, and How to Find Relief? With solution for TMJ syndrome, and treatment options. Read on to learn about effective ways to cure TMJ:

  1. Visit a San Francisco Dentist:

    TMJ pains are known to disappear without the help of a dentist. But, it is the best option to visit a professional for proper medical treatment. TMJ treatment in San Francisco involves:

    • Using non-invasive therapy
    • Bite splints
    • Injections
    • Surgery
    • Before the treatment, they examine the severity of the pain by using digital x-rays.
  2. Application of Heat:

    Hot water bottles wrapped in a damp cloth will reduce the pain. Doctors use this moist heat treatment for joint injury. The cloth must be moist so that you don't get burns as a consequence.

  3. Ice Treatment:

    Wrap ice cubes in a cloth and use it on the joint as it will reduce inflammation and pain. Do not exceed more than 15 minutes.

  4. Consuming Softer Food:

    If you are experiencing TMJ pain, then it is better to eat soft or grounded food. This will eliminate chewing and will allow your jaw to relax. Food that requires muscle movements to chew must be avoided.

  5. Over-The-Counter Medicines:

    When the pain gets unmanageable then there are numerous over-the-counter medicines with no steroids for temporary relief. Your dentist may prescribe them to you and make it dosage stronger if required.

  6. Jaw Exercises:

    The classic method to get relief from TMJ is jaw exercise. Your dentist can request you do very simple jaw exercises to get away from the jaw pain.

  7. Relaxation of Facial Muscles:

    In this method, your lips should be relaxed, and teeth should be kept apart. Also to get better relief from the TMJ pain you can also choose deep and slow breathing methods.

In many cases, the pain caused due to TMJ disorder vanishes with no help.

Take Away:

For more help with your TMJ Treatment in San Francisco, contact Dr. Nigel Suarez DDS at SOMA Dental, which offers the Best Tmj Treatment in San Francisco, Check their website or call them at 415-558-9800for queries and schedule an appointment.

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