Six Major Indications That You Require Cosmetic Dentistry to Enhance Your Dental Health

Six Signs You Need Cosmetic Dentistry | San Francisco

The main purpose of going to a dentist like Dr. Nigel Suarez at Soma Dental for cosmetic dentistry is to improve oral health and to enhance your smile. But, who should be going in for cosmetic dentistry compulsorily? In our previous blog we have explained about 7 advantages of teeth whitening by cosmetic dentistry in San Francisco. Read about six signs that indicate that cosmetic dentistry is a must for your teeth below.

6 Signs You Need Cosmetic Dentistry in San Francisco:

  1. Damaged Teeth:

    Do you have cracked teeth? Or, teeth that are chipped or are worn down? A cosmetic dentistry in San Francisco will quickly evaluate the condition of the teeth and suggest the right course of action depending upon the condition.

  2. Missing Teeth:

    A missing tooth will prompt you to prevent smiling. If you discover that your teeth are not complete, immediately seek an appointment with a dentist near you in San Francisco who specializes in cosmetic dentistry. It is vital for regaining the aesthetic look of your face. The dentist would typically suggest dental implants in San Francisco or suggest dentures, crowns, and bridges.

  3. Crooked Teeth:

    When your teeth are not in shape and are crooked, you will need to visit a dental clinic in San Francisco for immediate attention. The dentist would examine and accordingly prescribe veneers or braces.

  4. Cavity:

    If you have a cavity, it is the right time to visit a reputed dentist in San Francisco. The doctor will treat the cavity by removing the decaying tooth or a portion of it and suggest dental or teeth filling in San Francisco.

  5. Digestive Problems:

    When your oral health is not in the best condition, there could be digestive issues. It is because our teeth help us chew food as the digestion process starts in our mouth. If you face issues like heartburn, acidity, reflux, or ulcers, it is best to consult with a dentist in San Francisco for cosmetic dentistry.

  6. You Are Shy to Smile:

    When the teeth are not white or, in other words, they are discolored or not in shape, you will be embarrassed to smile freely. No worries, visit Dr. Nigel Suarez at Soma Dental for cosmetic dentistry in San Francisco. Teeth whitening in San Francisco is a common solution to revive your lost smile.

What Are the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry in San Francisco?

  1. A dental implant is a permanent solution for a tooth that has gone missing. Dental implant treatment in San Francisco is a better solution than bridges and dentures.
  2. Teeth whitening bring back the natural color of the teeth so that you can show them off without any worries.
  3. Teeth filling involve bonding and veneers to fill the cracks and chipped portions of the teeth.


If you are looking for a cosmetic dentistry in San Francisco, fix a consultation with Dr. Nigel Suarez at Soma Dental today. Visit our website for details regarding services offered or browse through patient testimonials. Call us at (415) 964-4683 and have a conversation right away.

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